Bio Dionisio Ceballos

Dionisio Ceballos (b. 1972, México City) is a multidisciplinary artist known for his murals, and luminous, colorful abstract work. Ceballos has discovered a prolific language in the constant exploration to extract the mystical, the natural accidents – the substantial. The studies of light, the translucency and the ludic atmospheres are characteristics of his work. His paintings become a translation of the chaotic towards the beautiful – from the unpredictable to the essential.

Ceballos’ influences range from the Mexican masters Rufino Tamayo and Pedro Coronel to the American expressionist school and the bright hues of his native heritage as well as the pre-Hispanic iconography. Ceballos is an Emmy award winner for his work as an artist and animator and has received several awards and grants for his creativity. He works in different locations around the U.S and Mexico. He exhibits his work at the SF MOMA artist gallery.

Dionisio Ceballos (1972, Ciudad de México) es un artista multidisciplinario conocido por sus murales y su obra abstracta luminosa y de colores vívidos. Ceballos ha descubierto su amplio vocabulario plástico en la exploración constante por extraer lo mágico, los accidentes naturales - lo substancial. El estudio de la luz, lo traslúcido y los ambientes lúdicos son características de su obra. Su trabajo se convierte en una traducción de lo caótico hacia lo sublime – de lo impredecible a lo esencial.

Las influencias de Ceballos van desde los maestros Rufino Tamayo y Pedro Coronel hasta la escuela expresionista americana al igual que la riqueza colorida de su cultura mexicana y la iconografía precolombina. Ceballos es ganador de un premio Emmy® por su trabajo como artista y animador y ha recibido varios reconocimientos y becas por su creatividad. Vive y trabaja en diferentes lugares dentro de los Estados Unidos y México. Su obra se muestra permanentemente en la galería del MOMA de San Francisco.

Selected Solo exhibitions.

2015 "Tiempo de Dioses" JHG Santa Fe, Mexico City
2014 "Screens of Consciousness" OMI gallery, Oakland, CA
2008 “American Woman” H M P Gallery, Palo Alto, CA
2007 “Odyssey Series” Lireille Gallery, Piedmont, CA
2005 “Farms”, Recent Paintings Chapman Friedman Gallery, Louisville, KY
2002 “Retrospectiva” Casa Sierra Nevada, México City
1997 “Primeras Imágenes” Museo de Culturas Populares, Mexico City.

Selected Art Group Exhibitions

2015 "Gala Exhibition" SFMoma Artist Gallery, San Francisco, California
2014 "Inherit: Latino Artists in Caifornia" Napa Valley Museum
2013 “Artistas Mexicanos” Nina Torres Fine Art, Miami, FL
2010 “Fire House North Collective”, Berkeley, CA
2007 “Group exhibition” H M P Gallery, Palo Alto, CA
2005 “Spring Works” Invitational exhibition E3 Gallery, New York City
2006 “Collective Exhibition” Chapman Friedman Gallery, Louisville, KY
2005 “Collective Exhibition” Gruen Galleries, Chicago, IL
2005 “Dia De Los Muertos,” invitational, juried exhibition, E3 Gallery, New York City, New York
2005 “International Awards Reception,” invitational, Frazier Historical Arms Museum, Louisville, KY
2003 “Arts on Main,” Shelbyville, KY
2001 “Jaguar Santa Fe,” México City, México
2001 “Imágenes Nuevos,” Concord Art Association, Concord, MA
2000 “Los Encinos Gulf Club,” Lerma Edo de México, México
2000 “W. Navarro Open Studio,” Acopilco, México
1999 “Homenage to the Pencil,” Museum Jose Luis Cuevas. México City, México
1998 “3er Encuentro de Cirujía,” Hospital Español. México City, México
1998 “Festival Jazzyes,” Sala Olin Yollitztli, México City, México

Institutional and Corporate Art Commissions

2015 “Jaguar Mural” Park Plaza, Mexico City
2015 “El Cosmos” Libreria San Angel, Mexico City
2014 “The iDeity”, Temporary Installation, Impact Hub, Oakland, CA
2014 “Colibri Libre” INMAP, Leon Guanajuato, México
2012 Awarded with the Creative Work Fund
A program of the Walter And Elise Haas Fund, supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation.
2009 “Talavera” Art Work for Grupo Talavera Miami, Fl
2006 “Marinalli Murals” Miami, FL
2005 “Untitled Murals & Paintings,” DDB Agency, Miami, FL
2005 “Jaguar Installation” Jaguar Restaurant, Miami, FL
2005 "Woodford Reserve Sculpture”, Brown-Forman Corporation, City of Louisville, KY
2004 “Woodford Reserve Derby Bottle,” Brown-Forman Corporation, Louisville, KY
2003 “The Jack Daniels’ Porch Mural,” Brown-Forman Corporation, Louisville, KY
2001 “Reproductions of Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo” Miramax Film Frida, Mexico City, México
2001 “Tríptico de Carretera”, Comunicación Celular, México City, México


2005 Gallopaloza Derby Parade Periódico Al Día, Louisville KY (FEBRUARY)
2004 “Freeze Frames,” announcement/review, Louisville Magazine, (January)
2002 Judith Egerton, “Big-screen canvas,” article, The Courier-Journal, (November 15)
2001 Alberto Castillo, “Pinta, pero no tanto,” article, Periódico Reforma, August 2001
Lecture Public Speaking
2003 “Recognizing the Spirit Through Art: Acrylic Painting on Wood and Canvas,” Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY
2001 "Jefferson Community College" Artist on residence


Bachelor in Communications, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
Born in Mexico City 1972.

Personal statement
I honor my ancestors, my teachers and my family for all that I have received from them. I am who I am thanks to them.

Today, I strive for freedom and I am dedicated to constantly inquiring, investigating and purging what hinders me from recognizing the greatness in everyone and everything - in that way be a contribution for the present world and the upcoming generations.

I celebrate children and my own inner child. I relish spontaneity, playfulness and humor. I yearn to protect all children and offer them a safe and joyful place to live and give them the certainty of their perfection in every thing they are.

I vow to women for their beauty, their emotional vastness and their ability to sense what is truth. I confess that I am attached to being praised and admired by them. I am an ally for the feminine. I take a stand for the full expression of their power, their radiance and self expression.

I say YES to vulnerability!

Learning how to be vulnerable in all areas of my life is a constant pursuit, as an artist, a filmmaker, a leader, a friend, a husband, a father, a lover, and a man.

Vulnerability is to me, the entrance into the most essential human experience. The less time I spend defending and protecting myself, the more I drop into the enjoyment of life and welcome the fullness of it all.

Commitment is the container for vulnerability. I have specially learned this sacred path with my wife Erin. Our commitment has cut through veils of falsehood and masks of protection. I have found this precious container an inspiration that allows humbleness and power to coexist.

I love my relationship with silence and solitude. I often find depths of awe in this space. Sharing this with another human being is what I call intimacy. I crave this experience and I find myself interested in how to grow this capacity with others.

I admire authenticity. I tend to be drawn to people who teach me about rawness and honesty by being true to them and transparent with their intentions and all of their emotions, where being accepted becomes secondary to honoring the truth in a noble way.

I take a stand for the freedom of all beings, the protection and honoring of our children, the reverence to women, the unfolding of our vulnerability, the observance of the sacred silence and the dedication towards the knowledge of the truth.

Honro a mis ancestros, a mis maestros y a mi familia por todo lo que he recibido de ellos. Soy lo que soy gracias a quienes caminaron antes de mi.

Hoy, me afano por la libertad y me dedico constantemente a indagar, investigar y depurar aquello que me limita a reconocer la grandeza en todo y todos (incluyéndome a mi) y así contribuir mayormente a mi mundo presente y a las generaciones por venir.

Celebro a todos los niños y a mi propio niño interior. Me regocijo en la espontaneidad, el juego y el humor. Anhelo proteger a todos los niños del mundo y ofrecerles un lugar feliz y a salvo en donde vivir y darles la certeza de la perfección en cada célula de su ser.

Venero a las mujeres por su belleza, su rango emocional y su habilidad para reconocer la verdad. Confieso que me siento apegado a ser admirado y elogiado por ellas también. Me lastima el sentir su dolor cuando veo que las estructuras sociales limitan la expresión de su resplandor, su locura y su poder.

!Le doy la bienvenida a la vulnerabilidad!

Aprender a ser vulnerable en todas las áreas de mi vida es mi dedicación. Como artista, como cineasta, como líder, como amigo, como esposo, como padre, como amante, como hombre. La vulnerabilidad para mi, es la entrada a la experiencia humana más esencial. Mientras menos me defienda y me proteja, más descanso en el disfrute de la vida y le doy la bienvenida a mis vivencias en su totalidad.

El compromiso es el contenedor de la vulnerabilidad. Especialmente he aprendido este camino sagrado con mi esposa Erin. Nuestro compromiso ha limpiado velos de falsedad y máscaras de protección. Esta vasija que es el compromiso permite que habiten el poder y la humildad al mismo tiempo.

Amo mi relación con el silencio y la solitud. A menudo, encuentro asombro y maravilla en este espacio de total quietud. Compartir este espacio con otro ser humano es a lo que llamo intimidad. Tengo curiosidad de como crecer esta capacidad en mi vida.

Admiro la autenticidad. Me atrae la gente que me enseña como ser crudo y terriblemente honesto consigo misma; transparente con sus intenciones y todas sus emociones, en donde ser aceptado por otros, se convierte en secundario frente al compromiso de honrar la verdad.

Me pronuncio en favor total de la libertad de todos los seres, la protección y la celebración de todos los niños, la reverencia a las mujeres, el florecer de nuestra vulnerabilidad, la observancia del silencio sagrado y nuestra dedicación en búsqueda del conocimiento de la verdad.
